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A logo of peer trio with the words peer peer trio in front.

Supporting Organ Transplant Recipients TRIO-Oklahoma Peer-to-Peer   Transplant recipients, and those waiting on a transplant can have a variety of needs. They may experience a single acute event, or have…

A group of people posing for a picture.

PUBLIC POLICY COMMTTEE REPORT – APRIL, 2022 THE LATEST COVID INFORMATION Members of TRIO recently sat in on a webinar on March 11 hosted by Transplant Journey, Inc. (TJI). TJI…

A blue and green logo for the national center for cancer research.

Just a few weeks remain to provide feedback to the 14 proposals that have been proposed regarding transplant allocation. You can provide valuable feedback to help shape U.S. organ transplant…

A group of people posing for a picture.

TRIO Public Policy Report – October 2021 Drug Pricing TRIO along with numerous other patient organizations recently signed on to a letter sponsored by the HIV and Hepatitis Policy Institute…

A blue and green logo for the national center for cancer research.

PUBLIC POLICY REPORT, SEPTEMBER 2021 Continuous Distribution The allocation and distribution system used by UNOS has always been subject to conflicting principles with respect to meeting the requirements of the…

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